GEL boxes 0,6/1 kV for electrical connexion
Connexion box filled with polymeric souple 0.6/1Kv
Right junction box filled with gel
Dimensions : Lg. 72 x L.40 x H. 23
Single conductor connector include:
Junction : 6-25mm2 / 1,5 -10 mm2
Connexion box filled with polymeric souple 0.6/1Kv
Right junction box filled with gel
Dimensions : Lg. 86 x L.47 x H. 27
Single conductor connector include:
Junction : 10-50mm2 / 2,5 -6 mm2
Connexion box filled with polymeric souple 0.6/1Kv
Junction gel box
Dimensions : Lg. 146 x L.55 x H. 35
Without connecting system
Connexion box filled with polymeric souple 0.6/1Kv
Junction gel filled box
Dimensions : Lg. 180 x L.69 x H. 40
Without connecting system
Connexion box filled with polymeric souple 0.6/1Kv
Gel cable joint with phases separators
Dimensions : Lg. 146 x L.55 x H. 35
No connector include

Connexion box filled with polymeric souple 0.6/1Kv
Gel cable joint with phases separators
Dimensions : Lg. 180 x L.69 x H. 40
No connector include

Connexion box filled with polymeric souple 0.6/1Kv
T derivation gel box without separator
Dimensions : Lg. 250 x L.143 x H. 46
No connector include

Connexion box filled with polymeric souple 0.6/1Kv
T gel-filled tap box with phases separator
Dimensions : Lg. 250 x L.143 x H. 46
No connector include

Connexion box filled with polymeric souple gel 0.6/1Kv
Junction gel box fitted with five cores connector
Dimensions : Lg. 180 x L.69 x H. 40
5 cores junction connector : 2,5-16 mm2

Connexion box filled with polymeric souple 0.6/1Kv
Y derivation gel box with connector
Dimensions : Lg. 145 x L.70 x H. 32
1 core connector : 6 – 50 / 1,5 – 6 mm2

Connexion box filled with polymeric souple gel 0.6/1Kv
Y tap connector 5 cores conductors
Dimensions : Lg. 220 x L.110 x H. 53
1 connector: 5x 6 – 16 / 2,5 – 16mm2

Connexion box filled with polymeric souple gel 0.6/1Kv
Y derivation gel box with connector
Dimensions : Lg. 260 x L.130 x H. 65
1 connector: 5x 16 – 35 / 2,5 – 35mm2

Connexion box filled with polymeric souple 0.6/1Kv
Bi-components silicon gel to mix
Two separate components
For insulating derivation or junction box
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